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Magnetic Loop Healing

I have found that magnets arranged in a certain formation can produce healing and are effective for chronic pain and other conditions.

What follows is based on my experience and may be different for you. If you want to try this you do so entirely at your own risk.

No liability can attach to me for anything done as a result of information on this website.

Magnetic Loop Healing
Magnets to help reduce chronic pain

How I used these magnets

I bought these magnets from Amazon and I placed them in this arrangement to create a magnetic loop.

The energy rotates anticlockwise which creates a healing spiral energy similar to that which I believe existed at Newgrange as explained in my book “Newgrange and the New Science.”

This energy spiral is in an upward direction so if the magnets are put into the envelope, you can sit on them on a cushion. People using this arrangement of magnets have obtained relief from an enlarged prostate. Others have obtained relief from pain, warts, burns and other conditions. This arrangement can be said to reduce entropy.

The science behind this healing method has been explained by MIT physicist Dr. Claude Swanson and many other scientists, and is further detailed in the Science section of this website

A gentle reminder

You need to buy magnets like the above, with a North at one end and a South at the other.

Do not get the so-called bar magnets for sticking to fridges or holding metal objects.

These are not suitable as they are magnetised from front to back and not from end to end.

Healing Pads

If you want to hold the magnets against another part of the body, you can seal the envelope and make a healing pad.

Follow each step

Make two 6.2cm. squares of corrugated cardboard and place them in the centre of the magnet square.

Put the magnets in one corner of the envelope and cut it to size to make two flaps before gluing the cardboard edges.

It is important to make sure that you make an anticlockwise magnetic loop to direct energy upwards or outwards as shown.

Directing energy in the opposite direction could produce undesired effects. Label the side of the pad to be applied to the body.


Healing pads to help with pain

Information on the kind of magnets I ordered from Amazon is given on the Research page.

I would like to have as many people as possible to try this type of healing so if you want to send a testimonial or relate your experiences with magnetic loop healing don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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