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Results from investigations

This a new discovery and experience of magnetic loop healing is limited to a number of people almost all of whom have obtained a noticeable benefit from treatment. The ailments treated are listed below



 People have experienced reduction in symptoms of BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia).


 People have experienced a considerable reduction in pain from arthritis.


Others have experienced relief from back pain


The magnets were used to cure warts in eight weeks.


They were used to experience a reduction in inflammation.


They gave relief from acid reflux.


Also improved skin lesions.


A burn on a finger was healed in two in two days.


​One person got quick relief from a pulled muscle without resorting to physical therapy


​​People have benefited from applying the magnetic pad to the crown of the head and have experienced clarity of thought and calmness




Ailments that have been present for a long time take longer to heal, and those of a shorter time heal more quickly.


BPH requires long term treatment, and one should wait until substantial progress is made, before reducing medication. Treatment may be reduced slowly after progress is achieved.


A person who went on holidays for two weeks without the magnets, experienced a return of full BPH symptoms, but these were improved within three days of treatment on his return home.




I need to get as many people as possible to try this type of healing.

If you want to send a testimonial or relate your experiences with magnetic loop healing,

please email

I would like to have as many people as possible to try this type of healing so if you want to send a testimonial or relate your experiences with magnetic loop healing don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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